Miscellaneous small contributions to theoretical and computational physics

My physics reference book

This is a small personal reference book with a collection of physical constants and general formulae that have been most frequently used in my work my reference book (PDF file in English) .

The Guderley self-similar solution

The Guderley self-similar solution is often used as an important standard test problem for various (1D, 2D or 3D) hydrodynamic codes. However, a sufficiently accurate calculation of this solution is not a trivial task in itself. Here I offer the FORTRAN code written for this very purpose The Guderley solution.

Transport coefficients in plasmas and metals

When simulating various problems in high-energy-density physics, one often needs a universal model for such transport coefficients as the thermal and electrical conductivity, the electron-ion temperature relaxation rate, the complex dielectric permittivity at a given electromagnetic field frequency. Here I offer the latest version of such a model, which combines various known asymptotic cases (like the Spitzer conductivity, conductivity of the degenerate plasma, etc.) into a single approximate analytic formula for the electron-ion collision frequency and contains a single fitting parameter: the latter is used to fit the corresponding transport coefficient to the experimental value at normal conditions in metallic substances. This model is implemented in the latest version of the RALEF-2D code. Transport coefficients in dense plasmas (PDF file in English) .

A newly proposed "F17" file format for data exchange

"F17" file format (PDF file in English) .

Originally composed: 2017.05.25
Latest update: 2017.05.25